Software Developer
Add new developer talent to your organisation through our Software Developer apprenticeships.
Software developers are increasingly in demand as organisations across all sectors digitise. Digital is the fourth industrial revolution, and many employers are now looking to create their own developer team.
The primary role of a developer is building and testing high-quality code across front end, logic and database layers. They have the skills and knowledge to interpret design documentations and specifications in order to meet internal and external requirements.
What will you learn?
We’ve created a full-stack developer apprenticeship programme.
Over 18 months, using a holistic approach with modern tech, our programme covers:
- The software development life cycle and object-oriented programming
- Front end: HTML5, CSS using Bootstrap, JavaScript, JSON and UI design
- Server:ASP.NET and MVC design pattern
- Database: SQL, NO SQL, Transact-SQL, and LINQ
- Version control and testing
Structured, spaced training allows learners to spend more time in the workplace to practice and apply what they’ve learned, rather than long stretches of time out of the office and then struggling to remember and apply.
Experienced Software Developer coaches support apprentices in the workplace to apply techniques they’ve learned and bespoke the training to the apprentices’ organisations.
Combined with our free recruitment service, this apprenticeship is a great way to build a pipeline of junior coding talent.
Why Just IT?
Over the last 5 years, we have worked with 20% of all NHS trusts across the country, ranging from larger hospitals as well as smaller community-based healthcare trusts.
We have seen the challenges faced by the NHS, as well as some of the potential solutions. Our work has included supporting both the upskilling of existing staff, as well as sourcing new hires nationally across our range of digital pathways.
As the NHS continues to drive digital change, we are delighted to continue our partnership by supporting NHS organisations with the evolution of their services. As an approved provider of digital apprenticeships on the leading NHS procurement frameworks, there will be a straight-forward, quality-assured solution for you to work with us.

Learn more
Our NHS Team are ready to speak to you about how employing or upskilling a Software Developer apprentice will benefit your organisation.
Learn more