This policy will set out the expectations that you, as an apprentice or employer, should have of Just IT / Skill Team’s remote education offering in the even that a learner is required to self-isolate or local restrictions require them not to travel.
What Remote Education Will be Made Available
Just IT now deliver Apprenticeship & AEB programmes remotely via a mix of; live online instructor lead training, eLearning & one to one Coaching sessions. We aren’t prescribed in terms of the platforms we have selected to service our learners and operate several platforms in internally in order to meet the technical requirements / limitations across our employer / learner base.
Just IT recently invested in Aptem, an apprenticeship specific LMS platform designed to support and monitor progress for the duration of the learners’ programme. This platform houses all relevant learning materials and signposts learners to our schedule of live webinars, covering topics such as; Safeguarding, Well-being & Self-development. It’s through Aptem that learners are scheduled to training sessions and both learners & employers can review their progress and monthly review documents.
Expectations of Students
To maximise their experience on programme, learners are encouraged and expected to:
- Our learners are advised and responsible for escalating non-attendance of Training & Coaching sessions in advance of their scheduled session (at least 48hours where possible), through their Business Coach and / or Trainer.
- Advise of any challenges prohibiting connection to their online Coaching / Training session in advance (we share compatibility links a minimum of 2 weeks prior to scheduled events, encouraging learners to test their systems).
- Advise of any known additional learning needs (ALN) or additional social needs (ALS) or those which are determined following enrolment. Just IT / Skills Team will support those needs through a prescribed variety of actions to ensure that we have mitigated, as far as is possible, potential barriers to learning.
- Escalate any concerns they may have in regards to their own mental health and welfare.
Arrangements for Students Studying Courses that Require Specialist Equipment or Facilities
Just IT have provisioned the use of several learning support tools & platforms designed to replicate the experience of working with hardware in a classroom setting. We have worked closely with our End Point Assessment Organisations (EPAOs) to ensure that we can effectively deliver exams, previously based from classrooms, through an online proctor. A small number of courses require that learners install specialist software locally, which we will offer guidance and support – often working through employers to ensure connectivity. For the majority of courses requiring access to specialist software however, we have enabled access to our own servers to mitigate any barriers in access for the learner.
Support for Students Without Devices, Connectivity or a Suitable Environment for Learning
Just IT works in partnership with employers pre-enrolment to ensure that learner can meet the pre-requisites regarding hardware.
Support for Students with SEND
As outlined above under “Expectations of Students”, Just IT Skills Team will support those needs through a prescribed variety of actions to ensure that we have mitigated, as far as is possible, potential barriers to learning.