Apprentice of the Month: October 2017

We would like to thank of all of our Apprentices this month for the hard work and effort they have put into the programme so far. We have received the nominations from our Assessors and we have 2 winners!


James Scotland @ PayPoint PLC – Software Developer

James has been making fantastic progress since starting his apprenticeship. He is on the Level 3 Software framework, only started in June but has already finished 3 units, a vendor in JavaScript and also achieved Distinction in both tech certificates. He has self-taught himself C# programming and will also be completing a level 4 unit for his own personal development. Furthermore, feedback from his line manager has always been positive too! Great work James!

Jason McPherson @ I Fleet Systems – Infrastructure Technician

Jason has worked extremely hard this past month on preparing his evidence and is going to be our first standard apprentice to go through the end point assessment. Excellent!