Levy Transfer for Hampshire Businesses

Skills Team and Hampshire County Council are supporting apprenticeships throughout Hampshire by spreading awareness of the Apprenticeship Levy Transfer function.

With a shortage of digital skills throughout the UK workforce, transferring levy funding is a great way to support small businesses in the area, and boost digital skills in these workplaces, ensuring that the organisation’s levy fund isn’t going to waste.

To find out how you can make the most of another organisation’s leftover levy fund, or to find out how you can offer your levy fund to small businesses in need, download our free levy transfer guide below.

Skills Team/Just IT took all the hard work out of obtaining the levy transfer funds. The transfer allowed us to open up education routes for our staff which we would otherwise find impossible to fund and access.


Apprenticeship Programmes

Data Analyst Apprenticeship

Data Analyst

In an online economy where business growth is evaluated by trends and statistical patterns, data analysts evaluate risk and analyse data to drive good business practice.

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Business Analyst

Business Analysts have become a prominent role throughout many sectors. Business Analysts determine and present solutions for how information systems can be used to improve operational efficiency, and to increase project success.

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IT & Networking

Software Developer

Computer software plays a pivotal role in an organisations effectiveness and efficiency. Having skilled Software Developers to design these systems inline with business goals is a key value add.

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Starting apprenticeships in technology

Find out more

Find out how to make use of the Levy Transfer function with our free guide.

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